Housing Related Events
Beam Tracker of Housing Framework Initiative
Housing Metrics and Housing Projects: Beam Housing Dashboard
A sample of housing related events as follows
Start Date | Title | Description | Tags |
Jul 10, 2019 06:00 PM | Mayor’s Work Group on Homelessness | ('city', 'compassion', 'housing', 'community health', 'homeless', 'Financial Stress') | |
May 11, 2019 10:00 AM | ISAIAH-wide End of Session Strategic Training: Saturday 5/11, 10am-3pm | ('diversity', 'housing', 'sustainability', 'job', 'Civic Equity', 'poverty', 'community engagement', 'isaiah', 'living wage') | |
Apr 25, 2019 12:00 PM | DMC Real Estate Development and Investment | ('commerce', 'housing', 'DMC') | |
Mar 08, 2019 10:00 AM | COMMUNITY CONVERSATION: Opportunity to converse with Minnesota Housing Commissioner Jennifer Ho | ('housing', 'community engagement') | |
Sep 27, 2018 07:00 PM | Creating a "Livable Community for all ages | ('housing', 'diversity') | |
Sep 04, 2018 10:00 AM | Important HRA Event | ('housing',) | |
Jul 09, 2018 01:00 PM | Housing Scan Kickoff | ('housing', 'community engagement') | |
Jun 13, 2018 09:30 AM | Coalition for Rochester Area Housing | ('housing',) | |
Mar 08, 2018 12:00 PM | Housing Update to Kiwanis Rochester by Steve Borchardt | ('Kiwanis', 'housing', 'Health/Wellness', 'Financial Stress') | |
Feb 14, 2018 01:00 PM | Housing Environmental Scan- Senior and Persons with Disabilities Housing Meeting Two | The scope of this meeting is current senior and persons with disabilities housing efforts in Olmsted County (ex. independent livining and age in place). This is the second of two meeting and will focus on developing shared goals and priority areas. | ('housing', 'Health/Wellness', 'community engagement') |
Feb 13, 2018 09:30 AM | Housing Environmental Scan- Home Ownership Meeting Two | The scope of this meeting is current home ownership efforts in Olmsted County (ex. affordable, workforce and market rate). This is the second of two meeting and will focus on developing shared goals and priority areas. | ('housing', 'Health/Wellness') |
Feb 07, 2018 01:00 PM | Housing Environmental Scan- Rental Housing Meeting Two | The scope of this meeting is current rental housing efforts in Olmsted County (ex. affordable, workforce, market rate). This is the second of two meeting and will focus on developing shared goals and priority areas. | ('housing', 'Health/Wellness', 'community engagement') |
Feb 06, 2018 09:30 AM | Housing Environmental Scan- Supportive Housing Meeting Two | The scope of this meeting is current supportive housing efforts in Olmsted County (ex. emergency shelter, transitional housing). This is the second of two meeting and will focus on developing shared goals and priority areas. | ('housing', 'Health/Wellness', 'Financial Stress') |
Jan 29, 2018 06:30 PM | Olmsted County to Host Public Meeting to Discuss Community Housing Issues | Olmsted County Community Health Assessment and Planning Process is partnering with the Olmsted County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) to host a public meeting to on Monday, January 29th, at 6:30 pm. | ('housing', 'community health', 'community engagement', 'governance') |
Jan 17, 2018 01:00 PM | Housing Environmental Scan- Senior and Persons with Disabilities Housing Meeting One | The scope of this meeting is current senior and persons with disabilities housing efforts in Olmsted County (ex. independent living and age in place). This is the first of two meetings. The first meeting will focus on identifying assets, gaps and current resources and the second meeting (separate registration) will focus on developing shared goals and priority areas.2017-12-01 | ('housing', 'Health/Wellness', 'community engagement') |