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5 Year Housing Data

Olmsted County Total Units

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = ' /olmsted-county-community-health/plomino_documents/0716afb93f7840b5b17b21e550ffc2be#section-3' target='_blank' >Olmsted County Total  Units</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

Rochester Units

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = ' /olmsted-county-community-health/plomino_documents/0716afb93f7840b5b17b21e550ffc2be#section-3' target='_blank' >Rochester Units</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

Olmsted County Units

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = ' /olmsted-county-community-health/plomino_documents/0716afb93f7840b5b17b21e550ffc2be#section-3' target='_blank' >Olmsted County Units</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

Township Units

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = ' /olmsted-county-community-health/plomino_documents/0716afb93f7840b5b17b21e550ffc2be#section-3' target='_blank' >Township Units</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;