RPS Community Ed 50th Anniversary Community Celebration
A team of dedicated staff have been working for months to plan our 50th Anniversary Community Celebration on Saturday, August 3, 10 AM to 2 PM, at Cascade Lake Park (see attached map). We'll have a wealth of activities for participants, including musical, dance, and our own Poetry Out Loud performers, arts and crafts for kids, cultural artifacts and henna, outdoor games, story time, face painting, and lots of Community Education information.
When |
Aug 03, 2024
from 10:00 AM to 02:00 PM |
Where | Cascade Lake Park |
Contact Name | |
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Event Message
Summer Greetings, Friends of Community Education!
I don't know if you feel this way, but I have always felt, in school districts, once we pass the Fourth of July, things seem to accelerate toward the next school year. But this year, before back-to-school comes, we have a major milestone in Community Education to celebrate -- our 50th Anniversary as a program of Rochester Public Schools. We want to pause and acknowledge the impact Community Education has from early childhood through adulthood for participants of all backgrounds, identities, and abilities.
--A team of dedicated staff have been working for months to plan our 50th Anniversary Community Celebration on Saturday, August 3, 10 AM to 2 PM, at Cascade Lake Park (see attached map). We'll have a wealth of activities for participants, including musical, dance, and our own Poetry Out Loud performers, arts and crafts for kids, cultural artifacts and henna, outdoor games, story time, face painting, and lots of Community Education information.
The time has arrived to ask for your help in hosting the event. We have several roles available where we could use your assistance, from greeting participants to encouraging people to share their Community Education experiences on video with our friends from Communications, and much more. You can choose to volunteer a one-hour shift or more. We have set up a Sign-up Genius to simplify volunteer sign-up. Please visit and let us know how you can help. We'll provide you a CE 50th Anniversary t-shirt to wear to identify yourself as a volunteer, complete with the winning community artwork "Life-Long Learning" by Lilly Sundsbak on the back.
If I can answer any questions or you have another way to help, don't hesitate to reach out. As always, I am ever grateful for your support of Community Education on behalf of the people in our community.
QR Code to Sign-up Genius
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Amy Eich, Executive Director
Community Education & Partnerships
Rochester Public Schools
Edison Administration Bldg - 615 Seventh Street SW
Northrop Education Center - 201 Eighth Street NW
Main Contact Line 507.328.4002