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May 24, 2024 : 1H 2024 Destination Medical Center


May 2024 DMCC Board Meeting and City, County, DMC Joint Meeting

Feb 2024 DMCC Board Meeting

February 12, 2024 : Destination Medical Center (DMC) Investment Metrics Slow Down Trend

Feb 1, 2024 DMCC Board Meeting

Private investment metrics Slide

Video Clip

PB Reporting

December 13, 2023 : 2H 2023 Destination Medical Center (DMC) Meeting Informaiton

November DMCC Meeting Info 

September DMCC Meeting Info

May DMCC Meeting Info 

December 08, 2023 : Mobility Updates

October 23, 2023 City Council Study Session 

May 2022; February 2022 and November 2021 Rapid Transit Updates and Upcoming milestones presented to DMCC. 

October 01, 2023 : Destination Medical Center 3Q 2023 Reports

1. September 2023 DMCC Board Meeting:

2. Meeting Package,

3. Meeting Slides,

4. Video Recording 

5. Breakouts

September 14, 2023 : We Bike Rochester Programs

Two programs: Bicycle Benefits discount program; Bicycle Benefits discount program.   

March 23, 2023 : 1Q 2023 Destination Medical Center (DMC) Reports

March 2023 Executive Committee Meeting;

Feb 9 2023 DMCC Board Meeting and City, County, DMC Collaborative Session

November 12, 2022 : Destination Medical Center (DMC)

November 2022 DMCC Board Meeting: notable topics: Experience Metrics,  Soldier Fields, Equitable development, Discovery square, Heart of the City

November 11, 2022 : Destination Medical Center (DMC)

November 2022 DMCC Meeting: Featuring Equity Development 

October 01, 2022 : Destination Medical Center (DMC)

September 2022 DMCC Board Meeting

September 13, 2022 : DMC Information

July 2022 Destination Medical Center Information Sheet.  

June 25, 2022 : May 18, 2022 DMCC Board Meeting

May 2022 Proceedings and notable breakouts

March 03, 2022 : Green Business Recognition Program

An initiative to recognize local businesses for taking strides toward sustainability.

February 05, 2022 : Destination Medical Center (DMC) 2022 Reports

February 3, 2022

DMCC Board Meeting

City, County, DMC Board Collaborative Session: Featuring Thomas Fisher


January 24, 2022 : Minnesota Compass News

(1) January 2022 News and  Disparity and Program Directoy info (2) January 2020 News


January 22, 2022 : ACH 2022 Info Log

January 2022 Meeting Review Workgroup purpose (mission, vision, and values) and OpenBeam comments. 

November 14, 2021 : Destination Medical Center (DMC) 2H 2021 Meetings

November 4,  2021

Project Discussion (City of Rochester, EDA: Experience metrics, Business Development, 

Project Updates: A. Heart of the City 27 B. Riverfront Reimagined 29 C. Rapid Transit Corridor Development 31 D. District Energy 33 E. McKnight Foundation Grants


September 20211 DMCC Board Meetings information.

June 17, 2021 : Sustainable, Resilient Rochester

Sustainability Task Force: Presentations to CMRC, Housing and Feedback from survey and action plan

May 20, 2021 : Destination Medical Center (DMC) 2021 Meeting Info

May 20 and March 23, 2021 DMCC Board Meetings

February 03, 2021 : Destination Medical Center (DMC) Joint Session

Feb. 3, 2021 DMC Slide Decks and Recording

November 21, 2020 : November 2020 DMCC Board Meeting

(1) November 2020 Board Meeting (2) 5 Year DMC Plan Updates and Covid Effects

November 20, 2020 : DMC Transportation Plan - Circular

DMC EDA Webinar October, 2020 and DMCC Board Voted in favor of staff recommendations 2019

March 03, 2020 : Lifestyle Wellness Awareness Month

Rochester Mayor Proclamation  

September 26, 2019 : Destination Medical Center (DMC) September 2019

September 2019 DMCC Meeting memo about metrics dashboard. 

October 30, 2018 : Journey of Peace: Voice of Hope Keynote Speech

At the October 2018 JoP event, speech by Judge Kevin Lund that calls for in service of hope for those less fortunate that us.

May 08, 2018 : CNG Steering Committee working on 2018 Compass Points

CNG Steering Committee is working on the next version of Rochester/Olmsted County Compass report.

June 11, 2017 : Learning from past large scale community projects, eg, 2010 Race Exhibit

In the June CoC meeting, a question was raised whether or not we can learn from past major events like Race Exibit as we attempt to build Rochester - a City of Compassion.

April 28, 2017 : Diversity Council extending Compass Points Data to direct Rapid Consensus conversations

On April 26, 2017 Diversity Council utilizing data from Rochester/Olmsted County Compass Points data combining with other community data analyses successfully developed and convened a Rapid Consensus conversation program as part of the 2017 Mayo Community Luncheon celebrating and inspiring an inclusive community. 

February 01, 2017 : "Organizing for Impact" Symposium

 A symposium for nonprofit executives and board members to participate in a sector planning discussion.

October 30, 2016 : CNG Releases Compass Points 2016, City of Rochester and Olmsted County

 2016-10-27 CNG releases Compass Points in today's meeting.

March 12, 2016 : Meeting with Wilder Research on General Dashboard Requirements

Al Lun representing Rochester Area Foundation and CNG to meet with Wilder Foundation regarding General Community Dashboard requirements, specifications, scope of work and deliverables.

Extracted from 2019 CHNA Page 97