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SharePoint and IT skills recruiting and teaming

 Impact Lvl 1: Business Process ; Mentoring ; Technology Enablement
Public Report on Microsoft Office 365 Cloud Usage Enablement led by
Last modified: January 16, 2018



We are recruiting BP and technical folks to join the team. We will kicking off an intro meeting by 1st week of Feb.


Diversity Council Use Case

Take this link

(login dcvolunteer dcvolunteer)


Misc Teaming Info

Teaming info

............................... .. .Thomas, yes (or maybe). I have been thinking about what is the best way to deliver training to a non-profit audience (such as Diversity Council staff) which is typically busy and hard to bring them together. Hence, the thought of using Diversity Council's eLearning platform as a possible training tool.. Also, I thought it might be good to use it to document our own effort, ie, you, Brady, me and maybe other people who could join. Virtual Teaming is always challenging.. .Other teaming tool could be DC3 (login dcvolunteer dcvolunteer). I have been using it to document my own thoughts and what Dee and I have been talking about for awhile now. . .. .Finally, when we do get to a point of thinking about doing some light-weight (hopefully) coding to build a SharePoint app, we might want to use GitHub. I am open to all ideas.. . .I will work on getting us together.. .. .Bradly, are you open to meeting on a Wed. or Thursday evening? It won't be next week as Dee is away. Probably last week for Jan or 1st week of Feb. Thanks..

On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 4:15 PM, Yung, Thomas W. <> wrote:

Hi Al,


Is this what we you would like to use for your online training curriculum? Anyway, I am glad Bradly is helping you out. We can get together in the next week or so. I am typically not available on Mon, Tue, Fri. Your best bet for arranging a meeting with me is Wed or Thu evenings. How is your own personal training going?





From: Albert Lun []
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2018 1:35 PM
To: Herr, Bradly T.; Yung, Thomas W.
Cc: Dienna Sabol
Subject: Re: SharePoint help


Bradly, glad to hear that you are interested in helping.



To help us collaborate I have started a learning curriculum to outline the tasks ahead of us per the following

You and Thomas both should have received a invitation to join in the course.

I will schedule a meeting to get us together to talk.


Look forward to collaborating together.


Please let me know if you have problems accessing the online tool.

On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 1:17 PM, Herr, Bradly T. <> wrote:

Great! Looking forward to it. Happy New Year to you as well.


Brad Herr
Associate Analyst
Office of Access Management
Kahler Plaza, SL
Phone: (507) 293-1887

Pager: 127-00139
Mayo Clinic
200 First Street SW
Rochester, MN 55905






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