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University of Minnesota, Rochester Master Plan


UMR campus expansion to accomodate about 1,500 students initially. In its foundational years, UMR forged partnerships with the Mayo Clinic and other institutions to offer distinctive health sciences and biosciences education that prepares students for a broad spectrum of current and emerging careers, ranging from patient care to pure and applied research. UMR matriculated its first class in 2009 and currently serves approximately eight hundred undergraduate and graduate students. In 2009, UMR prepared a master plan that envisioned an “Education District” in downtown Rochester that would foster collaborations in learning, research, and industry; and in the process contribute to the regeneration of downtown through the campus’ physical design and successful integration with the city.

Project Impact(s): Economic Development, Education, Recreation & Open Space

This project is in Archive Phase.

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Collaborators, Project Type, Impacts, Related Projects



Lead Organization: University of Minnesota Rochester

Contact: Jay Hesley ; Email: TBD ; Phone: TBD

Known/Likely Collaborators: Community Development Department (Formerly Rochester-Olmsted Planning Department) ; DMC EDA ; Rochester Area Family Y ; University of Minnesota Rochester

Potential Collaborators: Rochester Area Family Y

Related Projects

Destination Medical Center (DMC) ; Education, Health and Recreation Space (DMC UMR/Rec sub-district) ; Integrated Recreation, Education, Living Space (iREL) Rochester Family Y 2020 Plan Concept ; Journey to Growth Plan ; Planning To Succeed: Rochester 2040 Comprehensive Plan (P2S)


Major Impact: 

PlanScape Impacts :

Level 1: Economic Development, Education, Recreation & Open Space

Level 2: Recreation & Open Space

DMC Impacts:

Education/Learning Environment, UMR and Recreation

Community Health Impacts:

Type of Project




Detailed Description

2014 September UMR Plan PDF File




Design Principles 1 - 4


Open Space Framework


Pedestrian Framework


Bicycle Framework 


Transit Framework


Vehicle Access and Parking




UMR-1 Program


Appendix - Scenarios


UMR Master Plan (2/13, 2009): Hot Links: PDF File Link



Future UMR campus changing downtown neighborhood

PB Article - September 11, 2014

Post Bulletin Article - April 26, 2014



Strategies (Principles)

  1. Leverage public-private partnerships to build capital projects, deliver educational programs, and create research opportunities
  2. Establish a front door opening from downtown Rochester into the education district and a gateway from the education district to soldiers field park.
  3. Maintain transparent and active ground floor uses
  4. Maintain a connected and pedestrian-friendly district throughout
  5. Create a strong architectural identity along Broadway and 6th street
  6. Encourage walking, cycling, transit use, and other alternatives to private vehicles
  7. Hold all capital projects to UM's B3 sustainability guidelines


Expected Results
  1. Expand UM Educational Programs in the Health Sciences
  2. Enhance Partnerships in Research Built on the Strengths and Interests of the Mayo Clinic, IBM and the University of Minnesota System
  3. Offer Innovative and Cost-Effective Approaches to Education and Research Establish UMR as a progressive, entrepreneurial leader in the University of Minnesota system
  4. Contribute to Economic Growth 



Outcome Indicators
  1. A near-term enrollment goal of 1,500 students in Rochester and an ultimate enrollment of 5,000 students.
  2. At the municipal level, UMR will catalyze both direct and indirect job creation and capital investment. By locating the campus downtown, UMR will invigorate demand for goods and services in the city’s core. The attractiveness of the campus will stimulate demand for non-university growth in the downtown, curbing the recent history of sprawling growth.



1. Enrollment


Key reports on: University of Minnesota, Rochester Master Plan

University of Minnesota, Rochester Master Plan Update (April 23, 2023)
2023-04-23 PB reporting on UMR;  2022-11-22 Plan change due to Covid 2020

Read more ...


Last modified by allnode on 2024/03/12
Created by on 2014/05/11




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  5. Pre-concept Phase - an early idea or a requirement.
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